martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

Utah debería apoyar la acción migratoria y la reforma migratoria

Utah está intentando frenar la acción migratoria. Aparte, los congresistas de Utah han resistido los intentos para llevar a cabo una reforma migratoria.

Se puede empezar una campaña para que Utah retire su parte de la demanda en contra de la acción migratoria que incluye los programas de acción diferida para los llegados en la infancia y los padres de ciudadanos y residentes permanentes. También pueden tener impacto las cartas que abogan a favor de la reforma migratoria. Cada persona puede aportar mandando una carta personalizada.

El 20 de noviembre de 2014, el presidente Barack Obama anunció la acción migratoria. Unas semanas después, algunos estados se juntaron en una demanda para frenar la acción migratoria. El gobernador Gary Herbert y el fiscal general Sean Reyes han tomado una postura en contra de la acción migratoria. El estado de Utah ha pedido un freno a la acción migratoria y el retiro de la acción diferida para los llegados en la infancia (“DACA” por sus siglas en inglés).

La respuesta de los que apoyan la acción migratoria debería ser contundente: la actitud de Utah es problemática dado la postura de 2011 de proponer permisos de trabajo a nivel estatal, una ley parecida a la ley de Arizona (“enséñame los papeles”), y muchos discursos enfatizando apreciación por los inmigrantes. La postura actual de Utah es contradictoria y actúa en contra de los valores de la familia, la propia economía y la ética cristiana de la que muchos se jactan.

Esta carta en inglés pide el retiro de Utah como participante en la demanda en contra del presidente Barack Obama. Se puede adaptar a los deseos y la experiencia de cada escritor.

Dear Governor Gary Herbert and Attorney General Sean Reyes:

On November 20, 2014, President Barack Obama announced measures to ease the strains of a broken immigration system on millions of families. These measures would allow many undocumented youth and parents of United States citizens and legal permanent residents a degree of relief from constant worry over being separated from their friends, families and coworkers.

While Congress must address permanent immigration reform, Utah should not impede executive action that focuses limited federal resources on serious crimes and threats to the United States. People who have lived here peacefully for many years should not be targets for immigration proceedings that serve little purpose beyond wrecking families, disrupting businesses and causing untold suffering in individuals and communities.

Utah has earned a reputation for being a welcoming state. The current lawsuit to stop positive steps toward resolving our immigration issues only serves to tarnish that reputation.

Consider basic human values and drop this lawsuit.

Thank you for your consideration and your service to this state.


Las direcciones para el gobernador y el fiscal general son:

Governor Gary Herbert
350 North State Street, Suite 200
PO Box 142220
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2200

Attorney General Sean Reyes
350 North State Street, Suite 230
PO Bo 142320
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2320

La carta a los representantes de Utah en la Cámara de Representantes:

Sample letter to member of Congress
Adapt at will and add a personal touch if possible
Consider urging support of President Obama's immigration action

Re: Compassionate immigration reform

Dear Senator/Representative …,

Immigrants enrich our communities economically, culturally and socially. New Americans, including those without papers, are family-oriented, hard-working and conscientious members of my community. Too many live with uncertainty and anxiety arising from laws mismatched to the dynamism of this country.

Immigration is a pillar of Utah and the United States. Newcomers add vibrancy. Outdated laws impede their progress and ours. Reform should heal the system and divisive politics.

Over the last few years, we have witnessed campaigns designed to scare immigrants and divide people for political advantage. Despite the inevitable tension between the executive and legislative branches, I ask you to consider policies that better serve common interests.

Approximately sixty percent of undocumented immigrant have lived in the United States for more than ten years. Whether we like it or not, this population is not going away. Undocumented immigrants work in important Utah economic sectors such as construction, agriculture and tourism. Legalizing or normalizing these workers and their families is a logical and essential step for immigration reform.

I ask that you work with your colleagues to reestablish a forward-thinking immigration system that honors our past; revitalizes the economy; respects fundamental human dignity; welcomes immigrants into our society; and reinforces the core values of the United States.

Immigrants are vital to my community and to others across the country. Please remember that as you work for the better good of Utah and the United States.

Thank you for your attention and for your public service.


Direcciones (oficinas en Utah):

Rep. Rob Bishop
1017 Federal Building
324 25th Street
Ogden, Utah 84401

Rep. Chris Stewart
136 E. South Temple St., Ste 900
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

Rep. Jason Chaffetz
51 S. University Ave., Ste 318
Provo, Utah 84601

Rep. Mia Love
9067 S. 1300 W., Ste 101

West Jordan, Utah 84088

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